"No other work reaches so close to divinity as nurturing the sons and daughters of God."
Gordon B. Hinckley
This week in my Marriage & Family Therapy class, I was once again reminded of the most important work here on Earth, that of strengthening families and nurturing children. I know that parents who take the time to love and nurture their children will have joy in family relationships and in their children's development. As we discussed difficulties in families, I thought how most of these difficulties could be lessened or completely abolished if parents were true to each other and put their family first. Children who seldom experience the loving investment of their parents are less likely to contribute positively to their communities, and more likely to develop problems with relationships with others.
A young married student who has chosen, so far, not to have children, mentioned in one of my graduate classes that she didn't want to have children. She said that it just seemed too hard to have to worry about someone else when it was all she could handle to get herself to work and to school, etc. I thought that was so sad when I know the greatest of all joys of life is that of happy parenthood. There is nothing to compare to the instant joy felt on an ordinary day when you're child spontaneously says,"I love you, mama" or "I love you daddy." I have learned that it is through loving and sacrificing for a child that enables adults to learn the value of patience and the importance of a child's developing his own inner strength and character.
I am so very grateful for my family and the good choices they make everyday. Our three older married daughters are expecting babies this year and we are thrilled, thrilled with their decision to have a family and thrilled that we will have three new little people joining our family this year. We are truly blessed! Mandi is due by Feb. 21st and both Mitzi and Lacey are due in August. We can't wait to welcome these sweet spirits to our family!
Such a sweet post Mama! We can't wait to be parents and experience the joy that comes with a new little person!