Monday, June 4, 2012

Family Matters Most

     I have hesitated  to share about our sweet family on this blog, because they are most precious to me. But, I have now decided that sharing the most important part of our lives may help or inspire someone else in some small way. Where do I start?  How do I tell others that my faith & my family mean everything to me?  I believe that families are forever and that forming happy families is the most important work on Earth.  I believe that investing the time and energy in our families makes happy families, good communities, and a great nation.  So, I will begin right where we are:

     In the past week, our son, Kacey has graduated from high school (Summa Cum Laude) in our little town of Chipley, FL, graduated from Early Morning Seminary (4 years of high school religion class which meets an hour before school begins each week day), and today he received his mission call from our church.  He will be serving in the Managua North, Nicaraguan mission for two years.  We are all so excited for him! He will be sharing with others about the gospel of Jesus Christ. He will be a great missionary! He begins his mission on  August 22nd.  We are so very thankful for all five of our beautiful children, Mandi, Mitzi, Lacey, Kacey & Kenzey.

     Also, all three of our married daughters are having baby boys this year.  Mandi & her husband, Ryan had baby boy Reed on Feb. 21st.  He is so very sweet.  He joins his  very awesome older sister and brother, Randi Jo & Rhett. Mitzi & Lacey are both due in early August. We can hardly wait for the next two little boys to join our family!  Mitzi & Adam's little boy will join his big sister, Eden who is sweetheart!  Lacey & Nate's little guy will be their first bundle of joy.  Our daughters below are from R-L, Mandi, Mitzi, Lacey & Kenzey.

1 comment:

  1. Tell Kacey congratulations. You have a beautiful family. You are getting lots of grandsons. I just had 2 grand daughters, finally. Love you.
